
Monday, December 26, 2011

2012 Color Of The Year

It's that time of the year when everyone starts making the big predictions and claims for what they feel will be the next trend, or the next big thing. Some trends are spot on, while others can be a bit outrageous. On the other hand, there's many people out there who, especially when it comes to their homes, flat out refuse to buy into any sort of trend, and pursue items and accessories that will last them a lifetime. Oh, how we envy those self-assured types. For the rest of us, trend-spotting can be quite the adventure! And there's no greater satisfaction than being the first to spot the latest trend... unless you were the one to actually start the trend, that is.

Recently, Pantone announced its trend color for 2012, and it is: *drum roll*


Do I love the pick?- hell yes! Do I agree that its the color to represent 2012?- not so much. I think it's a bit over-the-top for a common trend color, but, once again, there's nothing quite like raising the bar and being a bit obscene. I see this tomato-red shade working quite well in modernist settings, and am intrigued to see how the traditionalists will embrace it (or, if they will at all).

Back to all that talk of trend spotting: the very first thing that I thought of when I saw the color of the year was Hazel's play kitchen, and how the hue is almost identical! I then remembered waaay back to my first Color of the Week last year, which was also the same tone! I'm not sure if I'd go as far as to call myself a trend setter- but definitely a trend spotter. And now, the pressure is on for me to find and share the next great thing!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Decorating Faux Pas

Okay, call me satirical, or a critic, or even a grinch, but there is one Christmas decor fad that I simply cannot find permissable. And that is: picture frames, or wall art, wrapped in wrapping paper with a bow, and then hung back on the wall. Even as a child, I've often wondered if these people that commit this atrocity, wake up on Christmas morning, and unwrap their wall-art-gifts, surprised to find the same art that they had wrapped over a month ago. I wonder if these people feel a sense of awe, or incredibly lame- I'm voting for the latter. My deepest Christmas philosphy is that gift wrap belongs on the gifts. And that's it. Merry Christmas.

P.S. I actually do love all things Christmas (well, most of them), and this post is not meant to be a humgbug rant, but rather an SOS call for all those who commit the crime of picture wrapping!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holiday Wishlist 2011

Don't get me wrong- I'm generally not a petty person who will mass produce lists of the things that I expect people to buy me for Christmas (well, not since I was 12, at least). But, I thought that it might be fun to produce a list of home decor product that I've been eye-balling over the last few months. Maybe in turn, it will inspire you for all of your last minute shopping and gift purchasing.

1. Scandinavian Tree Tea Towel (West Elm)

2. Distortion Candlestick (Uncommon Goods)

3. Gourd Table Lamp (West Elm)

4. Pop Rocks Glass (Jonathan Adler)

5. Modernist Bowls (West Elm)

6. The End Bookend (CB2)

7. Garland Light (DIGS)