
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Trend To Watch: The Moustache

As I reflect on childhood, I realize now that many of the older men in my family- mainly uncles- were people that lived through the 60s and 70s, and all had burly moustaches. Up until recently, the clean cut male has been perceived to be the sexy archetype of what is desirable from females. However, as facial scruff has grown in popularity, naturally, the moustache has begun to reclaim its place in culture. The moustaches that are being pursued aren't unkempt with bits of food stuck in them, but rather boast wax that holds it into shapely place. I've been noticing them on everyone from actors, to musicians, to the receptionist at my tattoo shop. And I have given a thought or two of growing one of these shapely features above my own upper lip, but the thought of the upkeep steers me away from following through.

While this trend has been popping up on men everywhere, I also have noticed that its presence has been breaking into homes as a nouveau decor icon. Is the moustache the new definitive home decor symbol that we just can't get enough of? And if so, why has a symbol that has been associated with creepy sleezy men for so long, taken a 180 degree turn, and is cool again?

Moustache Tea Cup, ETSY

Pillowcase Set, Urban Outfitters

Moustache Wall Clock, Urban Outfitters

 Our Entryway:

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